Category: Cable compounds

Introduction of Semi-Conductive Cable Compounds

Introduction of Semi-Conductive Cable Compounds

Semi-conductive cable compounds are materials used in the production of power cables to provide certain electrical properties. They are formulated to have specific conductivity characteristics, typically designed to prevent the formation of electrical fields and ensure uniform distribution of electrical stress within the cable insulation. Function and Introduction: Semi-conductive cable compounds serve several functions in […]

Introduction of HFFR Cable Compounds

Introduction of HFFR Cable Compounds

In the realm of cable technology, Halogen-Free Flame Retardant (HFFR) cable compounds play a crucial role in ensuring human safety. This article delves into the significance of HFFR in maintaining safety standards, the composition and manufacturing process of HFFR cable compounds, their diverse applications across industries, and the advantages of employing HFFR cables. Additionally, we […]

XINDA Customer | WANMA 110kV Cable Compounds

XINDA Customer | WANMA 110kV Cable Compounds

In recent years the environmentally friendly cable material based on polypropylene (PP) exhibits broad application prospects. Due to the difficulty in recycling thermosetting plastics, they can pose significant environmental issues that cannot be ignored. Therefore, recyclable thermoplastic polypropylene material is more in line with the positioning of cable material for high transmission capacity and environmentally friendly power […]